Stormbreker (nl) - Overzee
Bosque (por) - Beyond
Entartung (be) - Maleficae Artes
(PRE-ORDER) Galghe (nl) - Bloed Eed Tape
The Rite (den/itl) - The Astral Gloom
Cult of Fire (cz) - Triumvirat/20:10
Sfeerverzieker (nl) - Disciple of the Damned
Wolfera The Jackal (ecu)/Heosphoros (arg) - Under the Moonlight Mysteries
Nuit Macabre (fr)/Larve (fr) - Split
Nether (be) - The Blood of Rats
Immortal (nor) - The Northern Upir's Death
Unleashed (swe) - Before The Creation Of Time